Heat Recovery Steam Generators
built by John Cockerill Energy
- Combined cycle and cogeneration power plants
- Gas turbines from 30 MW ISO up to 400 MW
- Any turbine brand: GE, MHPS, Ansaldo, Siemens, Alstom, and others
- Turbines fired with gas or heavy fuel oils
- Base load and heavy cycling operation modes
- Repowering and greenfield projects
Tailor-made HRSGs to meet customers' specific requests:
- Supplementary firing with upfront and interstage burners
- Deaerator feedwater tank and feedwater systems
- Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) and CO catalysts
- Boiler enclosure housing
- Auxiliary systems such as dosing, sampling, nitrogen systems, etc.
- Sootblowers if needed
- Fresh air firing for special applications
In the field of steam generation and HRSG, John Cockerill provides technological audits and expertise, maintenance and revamping or repair of boilers of all brands.
Project Flexibility & Expertise
Combined cycle and cogeneration plants/ Behind gas turbines from 256 MW to 500+ MW ISO and all brands of gas turbines: Alstom, Ansaldo, GE, MHPS, Siemens/ Base load and heavy cycling modes os operation/ Repowering, greenfield and brownfield projects.